Happy Campers is a flavorful, energetic brand catering to those looking to live happy, gluten- and allergen-free lives. The original project request was to redesign the packaging for the entire wholesome organic bread product line to launch alongside their scheduled direct to consumer journey. I felt that with their loyal customers and engaging social presence, they would also benefit from a rebrand to communicate the company’s personality and quality of products and the client agreed. The project then evolved to a brand new identity reflecting their brand growth, including upgraded packaging and product color palette to display their wholesome flavors.
The best thing since sliced bread.
Wholesome, gluten-free, sliced bread, that is…The Happy Camper product line included nine organic bread flavors and the prospect of future product development, calling for customization while complementing the brand. A bright color palette was introduced to attract attention from the saturated organic bread aisle and a flexible logo icon will allow future product lines and social identity.
Bread Product Branding
Cookie Product Branding
Muffin Product Branding